Digital Communications & Technology in Healthcare Blog DMD Intelligence

Planning an HCP Email Campaign? Expert Analysis of 154 Million Emails to Guide The Way

Email is always evolving. Sometimes evolution occurs through innovation, and at other times that evolution is a response to outside factors.

In the past two years, email marketing has had to rapidly respond to technology and pandemic-related upheavals. The most pressing concern has been the Apple iOS 15 update, which has affected marketers everywhere, and has resulted in reduced visibility into traditional email performance metrics. However, leading up to this big technological change, and correlating with the COVID pandemic, HCP engagement with pharma and hospital email campaigns increased exponentially. From 2020-2021, HCP open rates were often one and a half to two times greater than in previous years. 

In our recent eBook, Putting Data Into Practice, we analyzed data from the 154 million emails sent to HCPs in 2021, assessing year over year trends, and researching how technology shifts and the pandemic have had an effect on email marketing. Notable findings include:


  • Average open rates among HCPs receiving pharma emails are trending towards pre-COVID levels: pharma email campaigns averaged 10.75% in 2021 compared to 12.38% in 2020.
  • For Apple’s iOS 15 update, adoption has been slow among HCPs, with less than 15% of HCPs in our database of over 1.5 million.
  • In email campaigns that used Send Time Optimization (STO), average open rates were 95% higher than open rates for standard email deployments.

Whether you’re already working on next year’s HCP email marketing plan, or are looking to optimize your current email campaigns, our report can guide you. To get our full expert analysis, annual trends on email KPIs, and our current predictions for email marketing, download Putting Data Into Practice: Insights and Predictions for 2022 HCP Marketing.


Putting Data Into Practice

Get insights and predictions for HCP email marketing in the year ahead and beyond. 

About DMD

DMD, an IQVIA business, offers the only authenticated database available that can reach, report, and respond to the dynamic digital behavior of fully opted-in physicians and NP/PA prescribers. Through this database, pharmaceutical marketers, hospitals and health systems, medical societies, publishers, medical marketing agencies, and others have digital access to more than 90% of physicians with email addresses and real-time web activity data that unlocks precision targeting and engagement capabilities across the most influential healthcare audiences.